Time to Ditch Palm Trees?

When people think of Southern California they often think of the palm trees swaying along our beaches but in a time of climate change, as trees, they don’t do much.
According to this excellent article about trees and the need to re-evaluate planting palm trees,
“The Mexican fan palm, the most ubiquitous palm in L.A. County and the second-most planted species, can grow up to 100 feet tall and form a canopy width of 10 to 18 feet. They can shade sidewalks and streets, but only when the sun is directly above them. A coast live oak, on the other hand, can grow to a height of 70 feet, and its large canopy typically spreads nearly twice its height.”

Even though many Califonians still think of the palm tree family as part of southern California culture it isn’t native. The time has come to take another look at a species that has become invasive. It’s well worth a quick read.

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The Living Urn…


Will Insurance Kill Our Trees?